
Explore the musical theatre bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

Explore all things music and theatre — and gain real-world experience while doing so — with a bachelor’s degree in musical theatre from the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校.

在这里,你将有机会做到这一切. 无论你的艺术是唱歌, dancing or acting — or you prefer behind-the-scenes work in directing, 剧本创作, 服装, set building or sound and lights — our program will provide you with the knowledge, skills and connections you need to light up the stage and enrich your community.

With more than five theatre productions and 200 performance opportunities each year, 体验式学习并不缺乏. Rigorous music classes and voice lessons will cultivate your vocal skills, 帮助你从人群中脱颖而出. 你也会向一些最优秀的人学习. 教师在台上和台下都有丰富的经验, 他们用这些专业知识来指导和指导你. 

As one of only a few programs in the region to house music, 戏剧和舞蹈在同一个系, you'll have the unique and beneficial opportunity to collaborate with all three disciplines. Small class sizes allow you to receive one-on-one attention and master best practices and professional techniques. And one of the highlights of our program is the ability to connect, network and work with others who are just as passionate about music and theatre as you are. 无论你走哪条路, our musical theatre bachelor’s degree program will support you and help make your dreams a reality. 


旅行的机会. Study abroad opportunities and the National Student Exchange program are available to all 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students. And 教师-led immersion programs open even more doors to travel and performance opportunities. 例如, 每年春假, music and theatre arts students have the opportunity to visit New York City. 在那里, 他们去看戏, 音乐剧, 大师班和其他艺术活动, while also shadowing working professionals and meeting various actors and musicians to learn more about their specific trade. 

艺术s-focused住房. UW-Eau克莱尔’s partnership with Pablo Center gives you unparalleled access to the theatre facilities, 当你住在干草市场登陆的时候, those opportunities are right outside your front door. 专为音乐和戏剧专业的学生而建, the apartment-style residence hall is across the street from Pablo Center, 让你住得离行动更近.

一个有音乐头脑的城市. From the professors who teach you to the students who work alongside you, a love for music is not hard to find when you’re at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金. 这种爱不仅仅局限于我们的校园. In fact, 欧克莱尔 is nationally recognized for its abundance of music festivals, events and venues. 

表现丰富的. The music and theatre arts department offers five main stage productions, including a Theatre for Young Audiences touring production, student-directed Short Play Festivals and a dance concert. Each of our productions take place in facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and acoustics. 除了, you’ll have the chance to be a part of Opera on Wheels, where you can perform at different elementary schools and teach kids the fundamentals of opera.

特邀艺术家. Guest artists frequent our department and your classes every year. 这些艺术家在试镜中提供了讲习班, Commedia del 'arte, sensory-friendly剧院, 戏剧创作与莎士比亚, allowing you to learn new techniques and gain even more experience in theatre. 

相关学生组织. 在那里 are numerous art- and music-focused student organizations to help connect you with peers, 教师, 当地专业人士和潜在的导师. Join improv groups like 球员们 or 落后思想者协会 and get the chance to perform in popular student productions, 或者成为音乐会舞蹈公司的一员. 每周学习一种新的舞蹈!








  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业不需要辅修.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of 艺术s (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • 音乐会舞蹈团
  • 以上皆非(NOTA)
  • 球员们
  • 两个人去探戈俱乐部
  • U.S. 技术戏剧学院 
  • 木卫四
  • 第五元素
  • 落后思想者协会

What can I do with a musical theatre degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

Graduates of the musical theatre program leave with a well-rounded skill set and an impressive resume. 因为这个项目的广泛性, our alumni go on to pursue a variety of artistic and creative careers all over the country. From touring with Cirque du Soleil to performing on cruise ships to working in the film and television industry, 可能性是无限的. 


Students have also found paid internships and summer work at places like the Williamstown Theatre Festival, 微光玻璃戏剧节, 圣达菲歌剧院, 犹他节日歌剧, 伊利诺斯州莎士比亚节, 美国话剧团, 爱荷华莎士比亚节和巴勃罗中心.


The theatre department here has become a second home to me. 老师和学生们真的让我感到很受欢迎. They’ve helped me become a better person and overcome challenges to help me realize who I want to become.

卡西Klinga 音乐剧


没有什么角色是嫌小的, 在完成我们的戏剧艺术课程之后, 你会做所有的! 学习如何演唱各种风格的歌曲, 设计的服装, 直接生产, 还有工作灯光和声音. A variety of experiential learning opportunities offer leadership roles on stage, 后台, 在计划和生产过程中, preparing you well for a variety of roles upon graduation. 

A unique partnership with Pablo Center at the Confluence allows our students to learn in state-of-the-art facilities, 包括两个剧院, 录音棚, 一个音乐独奏空间和一个艺术画廊. 在那里, students also gain real-world experience using the industry's most up-to-date equipment and software.

For those interested in additional opportunities upon graduation, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 also offers an 艺术s Administration Certificate and a Recording 艺术s Certificate, which give students the opportunity to expand their knowledge and pre-professional experiences in the performing arts.



了解更多有关 comprehensive musical theatre major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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欧克莱尔, WI 54703